Today 5asideCHESS Battling Suicide Bus Tour and TALENT IN LOGISTICS are thr
owing out a challenge to businesses and organisations. Show you genuinely care about Driving Better Mental Health in the logistics industry through driving real action and the bus to events and shows and truckstops etc.
The 5asideCHESS Battling Suicide Bus has been on tour since July 2018 visiting towns, cities, universities and workplaces in a battle against loneliness, social isolation and the mental health problems these issues cause. The bus is signed with more than 300 messages to those lost to Suicide – tangible evidence of the devastating ripples caused when someone takes their own life.
We are pausing the tour at this point in time. We are a small team and the scale of the disconnection problem is huge. We’re very proud of the impact the bus makes but we’ve become concerned that organisations are using a visit from the Battling Suicide Bus as a way to tick a box on a well-being form rather than being prepared to make long lasting changes which would make a genuine difference.
We’ve decided to tackle the problem a different way. We want businesses to take on the challenge of driving the bus themselves and taking it and 5asideCHESS into their own businesses – using them as tools to start positive action which they will continue when the bus is no longer there.
The need for positive mental health interventions in all walks of life is evident. The need for awareness of both physical and mental health of commercial vehicle drivers is something that the industry has long talked about. Isolation, lack of exercise and being away from home and loved ones for long periods of time has a known detrimental effect on drivers. Studies have been conducted but, to date, little has actually been done to tackle the problem and support better mental health.
We’ll make the bus available to businesses who are able to show a real and tangible commitment to connection and promoting positive mental health in the workplace.
Take the bus to the Truckfest or a truckstop or a lay-by this is your chance to you show your care
For more details email [email protected]
For further press details contact Claire Elbrow, [email protected] 07799 588285 or contact Ross Smith direct on 07778 463597
Driving Better Mental Health Campaign backed by