#HELPyourSELF programme
Get ready to go back to school
Ease your child back into learning while teaching them a new skill
Get back in touch
Get connected again safely. We are challenging you to play 25 different games with as many people as possible.
Buy a set to get started
cardBOARD and pennyPIECE set with instructional guide and videos
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The #HelpYourSelf programme is a journey of discovery and the 5asideCHESS board is simply a tool to help you to help yourself to become a free thinker and a connector.
We’ve put together this Helpyourself journey which, if you work your way through it as you play your 25 games is going to give you super-powers. It has 30 steps on it and each of these steps will get you thinking about a key life lesson.
So, if you haven’t already done so, sign up to receive a board and a guide and we’ll get them out to you straight away so that you can start your 5asideCHESS quest to becoming a Master. We can’t wait to send you your medal.