The mission of 5asideCHESS has always been quite simple – to get people talking in a bid to tackle loneliness and social isolation and the mental health problems these issues cause. Now with people isolated in their homes, worried sick for their health, their family and friends, their businesses, jobs, future – this has never been more important. It’s a sad fact that the current situation is likely to increase the number of people suffering from poor mental health and there is a significant risk that suicide rates will go up.
#CheckOnYaMate is a campaign to help get people more connected. That’s not just the people you might ordinarily connect with – your friends, family or work colleagues; it’s the broader society including people who are on their own at the moment. Some people will be experiencing real loneliness for the first time in their lives without the support to handle it. If we look after our own mental health and keep connected, we stand a better chance of coming out of the other end of this extraordinary situation safe, healthy, alive.
Share your ideas for looking after your mental well-being and staying connected using the hashtag #CheckOnYaMate on social media.